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Review my Romance Novel for FREE

Amnesia a romance novel by Heather Scrooby

[For a limited time only] I am providing a free PDF copy (optimized for onscreen viewing) of my romance novel, Amnesia. The catch? I am asking everyone who downloads the book to please provide an honest review on Amazon and or GoodReads in exchange.

Amnesia received a 5 star review from Readers Favourite with the reviewer stating “Ironically, Amnesia is unforgettable”.  I hope you feel the same and I look forward to reading your reviews.

[lab_subscriber_download_form download_id=5 text=”I will happily provide an honest review in exchange for a free pdf copy of Amnesia” button_text=”Yes Please”]

Feel free to share this page with your friends and family who would appreciate reading and reviewing Amnesia.  Do not forget to share this page by clicking the sharing links.  I am not going to provide this offer forever, so do not hesitate to get your copy now.

Some previous reviews of Amnesia:

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Do you like to read romance novels?

Stand a chance to read my romance novel, Amnesia

Amnesia by Heather Scrooby
A Romance Novel

“If you don’t try, you will never know”

This phrase is so true!  You could very easily win a free, printed copy of Amnesia by simply filling out a quick and easy form!  You came to this page because you were interested in reading a romance novel, take the extra two seconds to enter and who knows, you might just win and be reading the romance novel you are looking for!


You only have until the 30th June 2015, so time is running out!

– Good Luck –

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