Want to review a romance novel free?

Review my Romance Novel for FREE

Amnesia a romance novel by Heather Scrooby

[For a limited time only] I am providing a free PDF copy (optimized for onscreen viewing) of my romance novel, Amnesia. The catch? I am asking everyone who downloads the book to please provide an honest review on Amazon and or GoodReads in exchange.

Amnesia received a 5 star review from Readers Favourite with the reviewer stating “Ironically, Amnesia is unforgettable”.  I hope you feel the same and I look forward to reading your reviews.

[lab_subscriber_download_form download_id=5 text=”I will happily provide an honest review in exchange for a free pdf copy of Amnesia” button_text=”Yes Please”]

Feel free to share this page with your friends and family who would appreciate reading and reviewing Amnesia.  Do not forget to share this page by clicking the sharing links.  I am not going to provide this offer forever, so do not hesitate to get your copy now.

Some previous reviews of Amnesia:

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Giveaway,Free Poems and a Kindle Countdown Offer

Enter the giveaway by clicking the link below and stand a chance of winning a physical, printed copy of my romance novel, Amnesia. The competition is about to expire on 30 June 2015, so enter below now—Do not forget to tell your friends and family to enter too.  ENTER HERE!

IMPORTANT NOTE!  The Kindle Version of My light Thriller/Horror novel that attempts to highlight the long lasting and far reaching consequences of child abuse is available for a discounted rate of only £0.99 (a huge saving) from Amazon UK only between the 23 and 30th June 2015.  Grab your copy before the price increases by clicking the books cover below:

I hate the let down of not receiving anything when I enter a contest, so I have decided to give you a free copy of my poems, so even if you do not win, you get something out of it 🙂

If you fill in your details in the form provided below and you will immediately receive an email with the link to my book of poems.  You will still need to enter the giveaway seperately, and do not forget your copy of the Landlord at a huge discount by clicking the cover above

[lab_subscriber_download_form download_id=1 text=”Please provide the details below in order to receive your free copy of my poems.” button_text=”Get Your Free Poems”]

My poems cover a variety of subjects from depression to love and appreciation so there is something for everyone.

Don’t forget to enter the contest to stand a chance of winning Amnesia!


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