Review my Romance Novel for FREE
[For a limited time only] I am providing a free PDF copy (optimized for onscreen viewing) of my romance novel, Amnesia. The catch? I am asking everyone who downloads the book to please provide an honest review on Amazon and or GoodReads in exchange.
Amnesia received a 5 star review from Readers Favourite with the reviewer stating “Ironically, Amnesia is unforgettable”. I hope you feel the same and I look forward to reading your reviews.
[lab_subscriber_download_form download_id=5 text=”I will happily provide an honest review in exchange for a free pdf copy of Amnesia” button_text=”Yes Please”]
Feel free to share this page with your friends and family who would appreciate reading and reviewing Amnesia. Do not forget to share this page by clicking the sharing links. I am not going to provide this offer forever, so do not hesitate to get your copy now.
Some previous reviews of Amnesia:
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