I do not generally post private details here (or anywhere really :), but this is the biggest thing on my mind right now, and I cannot think of anything else! My 8 year old son left this morning to his first camp, not only that, it will be the first time he has EVER spent a night without my husband and I since the day he was born…
Why did I let him go? I have absolutely no idea. He has been begging to go since grade R, and we have always said “No”. I did put off booking his place on the camp to almost the very last minute – in the sadistic hope that there would be no space left-I know, awful. But desperate times call for desperate measures 🙂
Needless to say, there was space, and he packed up and left. Happy and confident, looking forward with excitement… I am the one that is stressing and worried!
He phoned (yes, in my paranoia I arranged for a phone from ‘Granny white car’ incase he needed us), and he used it to phone when he arrived a little while later, to let us know that he had arrived and that there are horses where he is-because he knows I love them and just wanted to share that with us.
It breaks my heart what a sweet boy he is and how grown up at only 8…
Missing him terribly! How am I going to make the next few days…
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