25 Ways To Improve Your Website by Vinny O’Hare
Vinny O’Hare started his career on the internet in 1999. He is known for helping others with SEO on their websites and often talks about affiliate marketing. He also has over 20 years experience in outdoor advertising, which ensures he knows what he is talking about where marketing is concerned.
In an effort to assist indie authors, Vinny created a website called Awesome Gang (awesomegang.com), where he offers free submissions, author interviews, facebook and twitter postings among other things. I suggest going over to his site if you are wanting to gain more exposure for your book.
But enough about Vinny, this page is about the book he wrote, 25 Ways To Improve Your Website. While this book is said by some to be more focused at webmasters, I believe it holds value for everyone. If you are working in wordpress, as I am, I found some lovely plugins that assisted me to do what Vinny suggests in this book. You can view more details about this book by clicking the picture below:
Get your copy by CLICKING HERE.
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